





[1] 新材料焊接及其物理冶金

[2] 非晶合金的激光增材制备

[3] 机器人智能化激光焊接

[4] 激光智能化装备与制造

[5] 超快激光微/纳米尺度精密加工及应用


1999-2003 华东船舶工业学院 焊接技术与工程 学士

2003-2006 江苏科技大学 材料加工与工程 硕士

2006-2010 上海交通大学 材料加工与工程 博士

2014-2015 中南大学 访问学者

2019-2020 德国弗朗霍夫ILT激光技术研究所 访问学者


 一直致力于激光与材料相互作用、激光智能制造系统、非晶合金凝固及断裂过程、微观组织演变与数值模拟的研究。目前已在激光智能制造、材料结构表征与性能评价等领域的国际知名期刊发表  SCI、EI  收录论文50余篇,申请国家各类专利30余项,获得国家发明专利授权8项、实用新型专利授权4项。指导完成国家级、上海市等大学生创新训练计划项目12项,指导研究生获国家奖学金4人次。担任SVOA  Materials Science & Technology杂志编委,受邀为 Surface and Coatings  Technology, Materials Science and Engineering A, Applied Surface  Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds  等多家国际著名期刊审稿人。目前为上海市焊接学会理事、上海市焊接协会行业规划委员会委员,担任上海市激光先进制造技术协同创新中心首席研究员。作为项目负责人已完成国家自然科学基金、总装备部预研项目、上海市自然科学基金、上海市科委地方高校专项基金、上海市科委先进制造研究项目、新疆自治区科技援疆专项、克拉玛依市重大专项等多项国家、省市级课题的研究。还承担了上海电站设备有限公司、上海核电设备有限公司、上海振华重工有限公司、上海外高桥造船有限公司、通快(中国)有限公司等企业委托技术开发课题的研究,获得2015年上海科技进步一等奖。


  1. 上海市焊接学会理事

  2. 上海市焊接协会行业规划委员会委员

  3. SVOA Materials Science & Technology杂志编委

  4. 中国机械工程学会高级会员

  5. 中国光学学会高级会员

  6. 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家(面、地、青)

  7. 教育部学位论文通讯评议专家


  1. 上海市科技进步奖一等奖(2015)

  2. 上海工程技术大学优秀青年教师(2014、2018)

  3. 上海工程技术大学“腾飞人才”计划(2017)


  1. 本科课程《电力电子技术》主讲教师,UG STUDENTS;

  2. 本科课程《控制理论基础》主讲教师,UG STUDENTS;

  3. 本科课程《材料成型课程设计》主讲教师,UG STUDENTS;

  4. 本科课程《焊接传热学》主讲教师,UG STUDENTS;

  5. 本科课程《材料成型综合实验》主讲教师,UG STUDENTS;

  6. 研究生课程《焊接物理》主讲教师,PG STUDENTS;

  7. 研究生课程《高能束制造技术》主讲教师,PG STUDENTS;

  8. 国家级大学创新训练计划项目(201910856020),铝合金电弧增材制造成形机理研究2019.4~2020.4;


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 双光束SLM/脱合金化制备Fe基非晶合金纳米多孔结构机理研究(52075317),2021.1-2024.12;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 高频微振/激光协同调控Fe基非晶合金涂层搭接区纳米相增塑机理研究(51605276),2017.1-2019.12;

[3] 上海市自然科学基金.激光非晶化Fe基合金涂层非平衡凝固规律及裂纹调控机理研究(12ZR1444500),2012.10~2015.09;

[4] 上海市科委地方高校能力建设项目.激光复合智能化焊接系统集成及关键技术研究(13160501200),2013.6~2016.6;

[5] 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划.铁基非晶纳米晶复合涂层的激光制备及机理研究(shgcjs003),2012.01~2013.12;

[6] 上海市教委创新项目.铁基金属玻璃涂层搭接区剪切带复杂化效应阻裂模型及机理研究(14YZ139) ,2014.1~2016.12;

[7] 新疆自治区区域协同创新专项(科技援疆计划). 高功率激光智能化表面改性与精密修复关键技术研究(2019E0235),2019.01-2020.12,疆外合作单位负责人;

[8] 装备预先研究项目合作项目. 厚壁超窄间隙激光-热丝焊接工艺研究(2018No.3),2017.01-2020.12;

[9] 上海市2019年度“科技创新行动计划”高新技术领域项目-航空发动机TiAl涡轮叶片电弧增材构件性能评价技术研究(19511106402), 2019.9-2021.8;

[10] 克拉玛依市2018年重大专项,激光智能焊接及表面改性关键技术在石油装备领域的应用研究与示范(2018ZD002B),2018.02-2020.11

[11] 上海电气电站设备有限公司——刷式汽封电子束与激光焊接技术研究,2017.4~2018.6;

[12] 上海振华重工(集团)股份有限公司——大型起重机箱体焊接制造过程的数值模拟及系统执行,2018.10-2019.6;

[13] 上海齐耀动力技术有限公司——1FR120C加热器内筒体激光焊接技术研究,2019.3-2019.4;

[14] 上海电气核电设备有限公司——焊接热模拟技术,2019.7-2019.12;

[15] 上海振华重工(集团)股份有限公司——大型起重机箱体焊接温度场及焊接变形的多信息感知,2019.6-2020.6;

[16] 通快(中国)有限公司——BrightLine激光焊接熔池动态过程研究,2019.9-2019.12;

[17] 通快(中国)有限公司——515nm绿激光铝合金焊接熔池动态过程研究,2020.12-2021.03;

[18] 上海外高桥造船有限公司——邮轮舱室单元流水线薄板激光复合焊工艺技术引进,2019.10-2019.12;


[1]W.-S.  Lei, G. Qian, Z. Yu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Weibull Modulus of Cleavage  Fracture Toughness of Ferritic Steels, Metall. Mater. Trans. A. (2021)  1–13. (★/◆)

[2]X.  Wei, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, D. Wu, H. Shi, J. Chen, Q. Lu, Y.  Tian, S. Ma, W. Lei, Effect of phase transformation on mechanical  properties of Al16.80Co20.74Cr20.49Fe21.28Ni20.70 high entropy alloy  coatings processed by laser cladding, J. Alloys Compd. 862 (2021)  158563. (★/◆)

[3]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Liu, H. Yan, Z. Yu, Effect of Longitudinal Magnetic  Field on CMT Welding of Al-Alloy, Met. Mater. Int. (2021) 1–14. (★/◆)

[4]W.S.  Lei, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, G. Qian, Statistics of ceramic strength:  Use ordinary Weibull distribution function or Weibull statistical  fracture theory?, Ceram. Int. 46 (2020) 20751–20768. (★/◆)

[5]W.-S. Lei, Z. Yu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), G. Qian, Standardized Weibull statistics of ceramic strength, Ceram. Int. (2020). (★/◆)

[6]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Shi, Y. Tian, Z. Yu, D. Wu, Effect of zinc on the  fracture behavior of galvanized steel/6061 aluminum alloy by laser  brazing, Weld. World. (2020). (★/◆)

[7]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), Q. Zhang, H. Yan, Z. Yu, J. Yang, J. Chen, D. Wu, H. Shi,  Y. Tian, S. Ma, W. Lei, Fabrication, microstructure and micromechanical  properties of Fe-based metallic glass coating manufactured by laser,  Surf. Coatings Technol. 405 (2021) 126726. (★/◆)

[8]Q.  Zhang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, H. Shi, D. Wu, S. Li, Y. Tian,  Microstructure and Properties of an Al 6061/Galvanized Plate Fabricated  by CMT Welding, J. Wuhan Univ. Technol. Sci. Ed. 35 (2020) 937–945.  (★/◆)

[9]Z.  Jia, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Shi, H. Liu, D. Wu, X. Ye, F. Wang, Y.  Tian, Effect of pulse shaping on solidification process and crack in  5083 aluminum alloy by pulsed laser welding, Opt. Laser Technol. 134  (2021) 106608. (★/◆)

[10]Q.  Jiang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Shi, S. Li, D. Wu, H. Yan, X. Ye, J.  Chen, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Thick‐Walled INCONEL  625 Alloy Manufactured by WAAM with Different Torch Paths, Adv. Eng.  Mater. (2020) adem.202000728. (★/◆)

[11]H.  Huang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, Z. Liu, Z. Yu, D. Wu, H. Shi, Y. Tian,  Research on weld formation mechanism of laser-MIG arc hybrid welding  with butt gap, Opt. Laser Technol. 133 (2021) 106530. (★/◆)

[12]J.  Tan, H. Liu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Shi, S. Li, D. Wu, H. Yan, X.  Ye, F. Wang, X. Wei, Q. Jiang, J. Deng, A Study on the 2060-T8/2099-T83  Aluminum-Lithium Alloys T-Joints Welded by Double-Sided Laser Beam  Welding, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 29 (2020) 4295–4309. (★/◆)

[13]Z.  qiang Liu, P. lei Zhang*(张培磊), S. wei Li, D. Wu, Z. shui Yu, Wire and  arc additive manufacturing of 4043 Al alloy using a cold metal transfer  method, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater. 27 (2020) 783–791. (★/◆)

[14]Q.  Zhang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, Z. Yu, D. Wu, H. Shi, S. Li, Y. Tian,  Magnetic-field-assisted laser cladding in the preparation of a  crack-free Fe-Cr-Mo-C-Y-B amorphous coating on steel, Philos. Mag. Lett.  100 (2020) 86–93. (★/◆)

[15]Q.  Cheng, H. Shi, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, D. Wu, S. He, Y. Tian,  Microstructure, oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of  stellite 12 composite coating doped with submicron TiC/B4C by laser  cladding, Surf. Coatings Technol. 395 (2020) 125810. (★/◆)

[16]R.  Zhu, P. Zhang*(张培磊), Z. Yu, H. Yan, S. Li, D. Wu, H. Shi, Y. Tian,  Microstructure and wide temperature range self-lubricating properties of  laser cladding NiCrAlY/Ag2O/Ta2O5 composite coating, Surf. Coatings  Technol. 383 (2020) 125248. (★/◆)

[17]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), G. Li, H. Yan, Y. Tian, Effect of positive/negative  electrode ratio on cold metal transfer welding of 6061 aluminum alloy,  Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 106 (2020) 1453–1464. (★/◆)

[18]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), M. Li, H. Yan, J. Chen, Z. Yu, X. Ye, Microstructure  evolution of Ni-Mo-Fe-Si quaternary metal silicide alloy composite  coatings by laser cladding on pure Ni, J. Alloys Compd. 785 (2019)  984–1000. (★/◆)

[19]P.L.  Zhang*(张培磊), Z.S. Yu, H. Yan, Q.H. Lu, Microstructural and mechanical  characterization of a fibre laser welded T-joint in high strength steel,  Lasers Eng. 42 (2019) 99–112. (★/◆)

[20]Z.  Peilei*(张培磊), G. Siyuan, L. Zhengjun, Y. Zhishui, Study on the hybrid  laser-arc welding of 3 mm thick high-strength steel with high speed,  Mater. Res. Express. 6 (2019). (★/◆)

[21]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), M. Li, Z. Yu, Microstructures Evolution and Micromechanics  Features of Ni-Cr-Si Coatings Deposited on Copper by Laser Cladding,  Materials (Basel). 11 (2018) 875. (★/◆)

[22]G.  Li, P. Zhang*(张培磊), H. Shi, Z. Yu, Microstructure and properties of  Cr18-Ni8 steel joints brazed with BNi7+3%Cu composite solder, Vacuum.  148 (2018) 303–311. (★/◆)

[23]L.  Guojin, Z. Peilei*(张培磊), W. Xi, N. Yunpeng, Y. Zhishui, Y. Hua, L.  Qinghua, Gap bridging of 6061 aluminum alloy joints welded by  variable-polarity cold metal transfer, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 255  (2018) 927–935. (★/◆)

[24]Y.  Nie, P. Zhang*(张培磊), X. Wu, G. Li, H. Yan, Z. Yu, Rapid prototyping of  4043 Al-alloy parts by cold metal transfer, Sci. Technol. Weld. Join. 23  (2018) 527–535. (★/◆)

[25]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), X. Liu, H. Yan, Phase composition, microstructure  evolution and wear behavior of Ni-Mn-Si coatings on copper by laser  cladding, Surf. Coatings Technol. 332 (2017) 504–510. (★/◆)

[26]Q.  Zhuang, P. Zhang*(张培磊), M. Li, H. Yan, Z. Yu, Q. Lu, Microstructure,  wear resistance and oxidation behavior of Ni-Ti-Si coatings fabricated  on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding, Materials (Basel). 10 (2017). (★/◆)

[27]L.  Shaowei, Y. Zhishui, Z. Peilei*(张培磊), L. Xiaoliang, Q. Dingding, L.  Xiaopeng, Numerical simulation and parameters optimization of laser  brazing of galvanized steel, ISIJ Int. 56 (2016) 639–646.  


[28]Z.  Peilei*(张培磊), L. Xiaopeng, L. Yunlong, Y. Hua, Y. Zhishui, L. Chonggui,  L. Qinghua, Microstructure and wear behavior of Cu-Mo-Si coatings by  laser cladding, Appl. Surf. Sci. 311 (2014) 709–714. (★/◆)

[29]P.L.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, P.Q. Xu, Z.S. Yu, C.G. Li, Q.H. Lu, Effect of  laser surface hardening on the microstructure, hardness, wear resistance  and softening of a low carbon steel, Lasers Eng. 28 (2014) 135–149.  (★/◆)

[30]Z.  Peilei*(张培磊), L. Yunlong, Y. Hua, M. Kai, X. Peiquan, Y. Zhishui, C.  Yingying, D. Min, Effect of Nb addition on Fe-Ni-B-Si amorphous and  crystalline composite coatings by laser processing, Surf. Coatings  Technol. 236 (2013) 84–90. (★/◆)

[31]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, P. Xu, Q. Lu, C. Li, Z. Yu, Influence of different  annealing temperatures and cooling rates on amorphous and crystalline  composite coating, Surf. Coatings Technol. 206 (2012) 4981–4987. (★/◆)

[32]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, C. Yao, Z. Li, Z. Yu, P. Xu, Synthesis of  Fe-Ni-B-Si-Nb amorphous and crystalline composite coatings by laser  cladding and remelting, Surf. Coatings Technol. 206 (2011) 1229–1236.  (★/◆)

[33]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, C. Yao, Z. Li, Z. Yu, P. Xu, Relationship between  the γ and some parameters of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses, Int. J.  Mater. Res. 103 (2012) 336–340. (★/◆)

[34]P.  Zhang*(张培磊), H. Yan, P. Xu, Z. Yu, C. Li, Microstructure and  tribological behavior of amorphous and crystalline composite coatings  using laser melting, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012) 6902–6908. (★/◆)

[35]P.L.  Zhang*(张培磊), Z.G. Li, C.W. Yao, Z.S. Yu, H. Yan, Microstructure  evolution in a Fe 36Ni 36B 19.2Si 4.8Nb 4 bulk amorphous alloy  irradiated by a CO 2 laser beam, Lasers Eng. 23 (2012) 221–230. (★/◆)

[36]P.L.  Zhang*(张培磊), S. Yao, M. Ding, F.G. Lu, S.N. Lou, Microstructural  analysis in the vacuum brazing of copper to copper using a  phosphor-copper brazing filler metal, Int. J. Mater. Res. 101 (2010)  1436–1440. (★/◆)

[37]刘政君, 顾思远, 张培磊, 于治水, 叶欣, 顾勇. 高强钢激光-MIG复合焊对接间隙下的焊缝成形机理. 中国激光, 2019, 46(9): 0902006(◆)

[38]李明川,张培磊*,于治水,闫华,叶欣,李绍伟. 激光熔覆Ni-Ti-Si合金的组织及微观力学性能. 稀有金属材料与工程,2019,(48)4:1225-1230 (★/◆)

[39]吴希,张培磊*,唐满,李明川,于治水,李绍伟. 铜-铝异种箔片纳秒激光扫描点焊成形及组织特征. 中国激光,2019,(46)4:0402006. (◆)

[40]何珊珊,于治水,张培磊*,李明川,闫华,李绍伟. 亚微米TiC/B4C颗粒对激光熔覆Stellite涂层组织及性能影响. 中国激光,2019,(46)3:0302010. (◆)

[41]李雷,于治水,张培磊,庄乔乔,聂云鹏. TC4 钛合金电弧增材制造叠层组织特征. 焊接学报,2018,(39)12:37-43. (◆)

[42]聂云鹏,张培磊*,庄乔乔,李雷. 4043 铝合金冷金属过渡薄壁构件电弧快速成形. 焊接学报,2018,39(11):58-62. (◆)

[43]顾思远,刘政君,张培磊*,于治水,叶欣,顾勇. 高速激光电弧复合焊接高强钢焊缝的形貌及成形机理. 中国激光,2018,(45)12:1202007-1. (◆)

[44]卢云龙,张培磊*,马凯,于治水,闫华,李崇桂. 激光合金化Ni-W-Si涂层的组织与性能研究.稀有金属材料与工程,2016,45(2):375-380. (★/◆)

[45]张培磊,马凯,卢云龙,闫华,一种基于激光同步送粉焊接镀锌钢板与镁合金的合金粉末和方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201310143397.5)

[46]张培磊,卢云龙,闫华,丁敏,一种用于填充点焊不锈钢高熵合金粉末和一种高熵合金粉末填充点焊不锈钢的工艺方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201310142899.6)

[47]张培磊,刘晓鹏,卢云龙,闻倩艺,庄乔乔,聂云鹏,李雷,一种耐磨激光熔覆层材料及其制备方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201410836658.6)

[48]张培磊,于治水,李国进,一种907A高强钢T型接头激光焊接加工方法.(发明专利号:ZL 201510136545.X)

[49]聂云鹏,张培磊,庄乔乔,李雷,一种用于焊接机器人电弧焊枪与传感器之间的随行夹具. (实用新型专利号:ZL 201720022512.7)

[50]聂云鹏,张培磊,庄乔乔,李雷,于治水,一种用于焊枪与传感器的随行焊接夹具. (发明专利号: ZL 201710013893.7)

[51]张培磊,于治水,闫华,吴希,一种用于焊缝跟踪传感器的固定装置. (实用新型专利号:ZL 201820338820.5)

[52]张培磊,褚振涛,杨橄生,马凯,一种激光深熔焊热源模型的建模方法. (发明专利号:ZL 201410012392.3)

[53]李雷,于治水,张培磊,一种固定于焊枪的钛合金堆焊气体保护罩. (发明专利号:ZL 201710131174.5)

[54]李明川,张培磊,庄乔乔,刘晓鹏,一种用于铜基体表面的激光熔覆材料及其应用. (发明专利号:201710095635.8)

[55]张培磊,蒋旗,卢庆华,史海川,于治水,一种用于对接及搭接工件装配的焊接夹具(实用新型专利号:ZL 201920616639.0):